4 Tips to Make Pipe Tally Books More Useful
Since you have the option to customize pipe tally books for your business, there are many ways to create a more useful work tool for your team. But where do you begin? Here are four tips for making your tally books a true staff helper out in the field.
Custom Layouts
Whether your business requires frequent notations or highly detailed notes out in the field, there is a way to customize the layout to make the job easier. Taller books offer team members a way to organize quick notations better, while wider layouts make it easier when the details are important. Your business already has a clear system of operations. Why not adjust company tools for better operations?
Ringed or Hardbound
Depending on the function of the employees using the logs, there may be a need for either hardbound books, soft copies or ringed books. You can customize your company books in a standard fashion or order several different styles of pipe tally books for the different tasks your team must address. Whatever you choose, there is a durable tally book worth customizing.
Included Refill Pages
Custom books will make work on oil rigs easier for your entire staff, but don’t forget about the books running out of pages. You can order refills according to the same specifications as your books when you make your original order. Using this system, there will be no need to worry about adjusting to new books or making do while the refills are on the way.
Inserts with Company Policy
Even seasoned employees can forget the standard reporting format for different figures out in the field. You can avoid confusion by including inserts with company policies inside your pipe tally books. It is an excellent way to have a reference for new team members and provide a reassuring detail for tenured employees. Training manuals and other company documents are excellent for tally book inserts as well.
Tally books are a very useful tool for employees in the field. For more information please visit www.pipetallybooks.com or contact us at 800.219.5331 with any questions.